Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chapter one, Section 4: The mace and the peace.

       The sound of steel crashing onto steel reverberated through the courtyard.  Two figures clad in steel seemed to flow a dance of battle.  Both wielded mace and shield as though they were a part of the body.  Slowly, they circled each other, gauging their opponents defenses.  Slow strikes crashed into shields quickly raised in defense.  At first glance, the figures appeared to be an uneven match.  The larger towered over the smaller by nearly a foot and was clearly the stronger of the two.  The smaller figure moved in a glide that was quick and smooth.  Her flowing hair falling like a golden water fall from beneath her helm.  With a cry, she suddenly charged her opponent shield first.  With a crash she bounced off of his shield, spun in a circle and struck him between his shoulders with a resounding ring that sent him to his knees.
       Releasing his mace he raised his gauntleted hand and slowly rose.  Lifting his visor, he bowed to the girl.  With a smile, and a hint of amusement in his voice, said, "well done, Sonya, well done.  I underestimated you."
        "Thank you, Shendar Mornal," Sonya replied as she lifted her visor and bowed in response, "you taught me well.  But I still am unsure of the why.  Is not our calling to minister to those in need, to heal and to comfort?  It would seem counter-productive that we learn to fight and kill."
       With a chuckle, Shendar Mornal began to remove his armor.  "Sonya, my girl, you always ask questions of heart when logic should guide you and logic when heart should guide you."  He shook his head and indicated for her to sit on a bench by the wall.  He then motioned for the other students lining the wall to gather round.  "The world is not as we would wish it to be.  At times, we must fight, not to kill, but to protect.  Evil cares not if its opponent can no longer fight, nor even if you mean it no harm.  Sometimes you must ACT to protect those you seek to aid and comfort.  Sometimes, the act must be violent in return, for violence is all that the aggressor you seek to oppose knows.
       "I wish it were not so and that we could heal those without needing to worry that there are people who would seek us harm.  We learn to fight, not to harm, but to protect.  While the mechanics of fighting can be easily learned, it is the philosophy and morality of the fight we must seek to master.  Any fool can hurt another, only one who actively seeks to keep peace can recognize when it is truly necessary to take violent action.  Knowing when that action is necessary and only acting in those circumstances, is the difference between aggressor and defender.  Does that answer your question?"
         "To a degree," Sonya replied, "But why should people seek to harm us?  We mean no harm.  We seek only peace.  What is it that drives men to evil?  What is it that drives man to attack his fellow man?  It makes no sense.  When men work together, so much is accomplished and prosperity is sure to follow.  Why is this truth not embraced?"
         "You ask questions more suited to Shendar Frosmien's philosophy class, but I will try and answer them as best I can.  The simple answer to this all is that there is evil, no matter how we try and defeat it," in a softer voice he added, "this is why we fight."  Continuing in a stronger voice, "the long answer is that wherever men gather, one will always try to achieve dominance.  The quest for power nearly always leads to evil acts.  Those who aggressively pursue power tend to view those who oppose them as mere obstacles to overcome.  While you heal those that are hurt, those who did the hurting see your healing as attempts to restore those who would overthrow them and thus you are aiding their enemy.  Yet others see it as a means of gaining followers of your own.  While it may not be truth, it is how it is perceived.  Perceptions do not change easily, even more so for those who see enemies in even those who support them.
          "While it is true, that when men work together much can be accomplished, the fact is that man is selfish and tends toward self gratification.  Thus, even when men work together, they tend to find fault in others and thus are driven apart unless there is strong leadership.  Where there is strong leadership, there is the potential for the leader to seek more power.  Sometimes this rears its head as aggressive warlords, sometimes as simply successful, though greedy, merchants." 
           Shendar Mornal stood and motioned for the students to do the same.  "It is near to evening meal.  Go remove and clean your armor, then report to your mentors for your chores."
           "Yes, Shendar Mornal," they replied as one.
          "Sonya, stay for a bit,"  he called to her.
          "Yes, Shendar Mornal," she replied questioningly.
          "Sonya, you have progressed quite well.  You are to report to Shendar Frosmein tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow afternoon, I wish you to teach the novices the beginners class."  Mornal smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, "If you wish to spar, find me.  Your weapons and battle training from me is complete.  You have been a most worthy student.  Now go, or you will be late for your chores."

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